ZZ Servers Co-Founder Spoke at International Business Conference

In an increasingly global world connected through digital platforms and social media, cybersecurity is more important than ever. Protecting proprietary and customer information is essential. But cybersecurity goes beyond firewalls and log monitoring. It also means employee education about how to protect the company from bad actors in the cyber world.

ZZ Servers Co-Founder and Managing Partner David M. Zendzian offered his expertise alongside Claudi Mirza, CEO and president of language service provider Akorbi, at the LocWorld confence Oct. 26-28 in Montreal, Canada. Akorbi, one of the fastest growing language service providers in the world, previously found itself in the middle of a targeted cyber-attack involving calculated social media and phishing attacks that led company employees to mistakenly transfer funds to the attackers.

Zendzian, whose company provides cybersecurity and technical support to Akorbi, shed light on the types of tools and techniques used to carryout such attacks like Maltigo, which maps details on people and businesses, and Shodan, which can comb through the internet for link system routers at a specific employee’s home or office. Mirza offered insights into how social media is used to steal identities and clients, the ease with which computers can be hacked and how the relationship between translation companies and clients can be compromised as a result of these scenarios.

Local agent-based scanning, anti-virus/malware/rootkit detection, continuous penetration testing, centralized logging and monitoring, file integrity monitoring and factor authentication are just a few ways that such cyber-attacks can be thwarted, Zendzian says. But it all starts with solid security policies and standards implemented across all company workstations, platforms and practices.

“Employee education and best practices and procedures must be part of any cybersecurity protocol,” Zendzian said. “If you aren’t consistent across all infrastructure and departments, you will leave your company vulnerable to bad actors.”

About ZZ Servers:

With more than 25 years in the security and systems industry, David M. Zendzian founded ZZ Servers in 2006 with his brother, Peter, a 20-year retired U.S. Navy Chief, to leverage the latest technologies and bring enterprise class hosting and compliance solutions to all levels of business. ZZ Servers helps companies of all sizes do IT securely – from desktop to data center – by designing, building, managing and maintaining secure information technology environments for organizations that handle credit cards, healthcare records, financial or business critical information. For more information about ZZ Servers visit www.zzservers.com.

About LocWorld:

LocWorld is an international conference held in multiple venues around the world, with LocWorld32 Montreal among four planned conferences over the next year. The event brings together technical and business experts with an aim toward connecting global business and the language industry as a way to bridge cultural differences and improve business practices in an increasingly connected world. For more information about the LocWorld conferences go to locworld.com .

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