Technology End-of-Service Myths

It is critical to ensure you’re using the most up-to-date technology when it comes to your business. But what do you do when that technology reaches its end-of-service? Even as cyber attacks are on the rise, many business owners believe some myths about end-of-service that could cost them more in the long run. These myths can have a huge impact on data security and pose a security threat to sensitive information. Today’s small business owner is at an even higher risk for cyber-attacks than ever. Read on to learn about three of these myths and what you should do instead.

Myth #1: If it’s not broken, don’t fix it

The adage “if it’s not broken, don’t fix it” is often referred to in terms of cyberattack management. But this popular belief should be avoided at all costs. Microsoft is already planning Windows 12, even though we are still getting used to Windows 10. The truth is that cyber threats are ever-changing and cyber infrastructure is only as secure as its most recent update. If cyber networks are left unattended for too long, there is the potential for a severe breach leading to significant damages. Even systems and networks deemed “secure” should undergo regular maintenance. Vulnerability and Risk assessments are powerful tools that help to ensure that the cyber environment remains safe from risk.

Myth #2: End of Life means the product will no longer exist

Although the EOL product may still be available, it will no longer receive security updates. Including new features, or technical support from the manufacturer. This means that it will become increasingly vulnerable to security risks and may be unable to keep up with your workload.

It also means that your IT team will find it harder to keep your business secure from cyber threats. If you’re using a piece of hardware or software that has reached the end of its life cycle, I always recommend upgrading or replacing it with a version that the vendor supports.

Why is Windows Specifically Targeted by Cyber Criminals?

Windows, being the most widely used operating system across the globe, is regarded as a prime target for cyber criminals. Its popularity and extensive user base make it an attractive choice for hackers seeking to exploit vulnerabilities. As cyber threats continue to evolve, Windows users must remain vigilant and ensure they have the latest security updates to protect themselves from potential attacks.

Myth #3: End of Service means I can still use the product until it breaks

End of Service is commonly misunderstood as a product can continue to be used until it breaks. However, this could not be further from the truth. Security updates cease once a product has reached the end of its life cycle. In a world where hackers threaten businesses, security should remain an utmost priority. Therefore, when products reach End of Service, they should no longer be used since they are outdated and are more susceptible to cybercrime attacks. Without security updates, businesses risk breaches, data theft, and other malicious activities.

End-of-service can be a good thing – it means your company is updating its technology.

End-of-service can be a blessing in disguise, as your company is ensuring security by updating its technology. Newer versions of services often fix security vulnerabilities and prevent security breaches. Whereas older versions may leave you vulnerable to malicious software or access. As a business owner, you are responsible for protecting the security of your customers and staff. Keeping up with end-of-service policies is paramount. Not only will it ensure your data remains confidential and secure. But it also signals to your customers that you care about their security and privacy. End-of-service can give you peace of mind knowing that all your security risks are addressed on time.

Join hands for success

End-of-service can be good for your company because it means you’re updating your technology. But don’t be afraid to ask questions about EOS – your IT department can help you understand what’s happening and why. For more information on EOS and how it might impact your business, download our checklist, “How Technology Reaching End of Service Can Impact Your Business” 

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