Details on Upcoming Support Migration

In the next few days, we will be migrating our support software to a new integrated solution. Our new support software will offer better performance, usability and integration with our members’ portal. This post will explain in further detail the benefits of this migration along with how the migration process will work. If you have any questions, please feel free to post them in this thread or contact your account manager.

I first wanted to make it clear that we are dedicated to making this migration as seamless as possible. We understand that changing existing processes is a big deal, which is why we are taking precautions to ensure the migration is as seamless as possible.​

Our support team is always here 24/7 to help you with any questions you may have about this migration.​

Support System Upgrade

Our current support software runs Kayko 4. Once migration is complete, everyone will be using our integrated members’ portal. This migration will be seamless and mostly transparent.​

We are not currently migrating existing or archived support requests at this time. Older support requests made before the migration will only be available via the old support software and URL (listed below).​

There will be additional features available to our new members’ portal which I will detail in future posts.​

Access to the members’ portal is available at any time by browsing to

Archived tickets will be available at the current support location at http://​

Both the support area and members’ portal use the same account information you have always used to access them.​

Some of upcoming features:

  • Full DNS management using our highly redundant DNS servers.
  • Reverse DNS management.
  • Management of cloud servers from members’ portal.
  • Management of shared web hosting services from members’ portal.
  • Management of Business Email services from members’ portal.
  • Project management and support ticket integration.
  • Ability to receive SMS alerts for important events.
  • Detailed and growing knowledge base with images and step by step procedures.
  • Web based monitoring with SMS and email based alerting.
  • Partner portal for earning revenue.​

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