Did you know hardware and software expire too?

What Business Owners Need to Know About End-of-Support for Office 2013

As technology advances, software and hardware can expire or become outdated. When this happens, the software or hardware is no longer supported by the manufacturer and becomes vulnerable to security threats. Business owners must know their products’ expiration dates to protect their data from threats.

What is End of Life (EOL)? 

EOL occurs when a manufacturer stops selling, supporting, and patching their hardware or software. The manufacturer no longer considers the software or device “useful” and likely plans to release a newer version. The company may provide some “post-support” service, but it often comes with a high price tag. The manufacturer will no longer provide firmware updates, patches, or upgrades unless the customer pays the premium.

When you invest in technology solutions, it’s important to understand the difference between a product’s End of Service (EOS) and its End Of Life (EOL). EOS marks the point at which no more support will be provided from then onward, with EOL following shortly thereafter – meaning that while you may still buy certain products after their stated service dates have passed, those purchases won’t come with active customer assistance or regular software upgrades.

Some recent examples of EOL and EOS software include:

  • Skype for Business Online (EOL July 31, 2021) – Microsoft  recently announced the start of their EOL program to integrate Skype for Business with third-party audio conferencing providers.
  • Windows 10 (EOL October 14, 2025) – Microsoft support for Windows 10 will end.
  • Skype for Business Server (EOS October 14, 2025)
  • Office 2013 (EOL April 11, 2023) – There will be no extension and no extended security updates. 

What Are the Risks of Running Outdated Hardware?

Running outdated hardware poses several risks, highlighting the importance of staying up-to-date. The dangers of outdated software include increased vulnerability to security breaches, decreased performance, compatibility issues, and reduced efficiency. To ensure optimal operation and protect against potential threats, regular hardware upgrades are essential for businesses and individuals alike.

Why Does Software Expire?

Security threats are constantly evolving, so manufacturers must update their software regularly to keep up with the ever-evolving digital landscape. The same can be said for compatibility; new devices are released daily that require different software types to function properly. Manufacturers must ensure that their products are compatible with these new technologies to work properly and securely. So new versions are created with new features and security capabilities. Over time software developers

What Does End-of-Support Mean?

When a product reaches its end-of-support date, the manufacturer will no longer provide technical support or security updates for that product. This leaves businesses exposed to potential security threats from hackers or malicious software as they will not have access to the latest updates from the manufacturer. It also means that any bugs or glitches present in the software may never be fixed, leaving businesses with a potentially malfunctioning product.

What Should Business Owners Do?

Business owners need to stay informed about upcoming end-of-support dates for their products to protect their data from potential risks associated with outdated software or hardware. For Office 2013 users specifically, Microsoft recommends upgrading your office suite as soon as possible to get access to all of the newest features and bug fixes available with Microsft 365 service. Additionally, upgrading will ensure you have access to all future updates and security patches released by Microsoft over the next few years before Office 2016 reaches its end-of-support date in 2025.

End-of-Support is an important concept that business owners should be aware of when it comes to hardware and software products they use daily. When a product reaches its end-of-support date, it becomes vulnerable to security risks as manufacturers will no longer provide technical support or updates. Microsoft’s Office 2013 is set to reach its end-of-support on April 11th 2023 so now is the time for business owners who use this version of Office to upgrade their office suite before it’s too late. They’re left exposed to potential security threats from hackers or malicious software attacks due lack of access new updates from Microsoft. Upgrading now also ensures your business has access to all future bug fixes and feature enhancements released by Microsoft before Office 2016 reaches its end of life in 2025!

How ZZ Servers Can Help

As the adage goes, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. At ZZ Servers, we know that creating and nurturing a complete Software Lifecycle Management (SLM) strategy will help manage contracts and costs, mitigate risks, and manage your budget.

If you’ve read this far, you know it is important to protect your organization by ensuring that your team uses no outdated software or hardware. However, this can be a heavy lift without expert assistance. Fortunately, we’re here to help.

We can use our experience and skills to show you the right way to secure your business and provide you with the necessary tools so you won’t be caught off guard by outdated software or hardware. If you’re interested, please reach out to us for a no-obligation consultation.

In addition, to help you learn more, download our infographic “What Does End of Support Mean for Your Business?”

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