How to Keep Your Online Meetings Secure and Avoid “Zoom-Bombing”

Online meetings have become an integral part of modern business.  And has become an important way for companies to stay connected. Especially with a large part of their workforce working from home.  

Zoom is one of the most popular online meeting services. Zoom has experienced a 378%  growth from last year. With the increase in virtual communication comes the risk of “Zoom-bombing” and other security threats. 

A big one is a newly reported phenomenon named for the company, called “Zoom-bombing”.  Zoom-bombing refers to the act of unauthorized individuals disrupting and disrupting a Zoom meeting. This is usually for the express purpose of disruption. An example is the user displaying or shouting inappropriate things. This can be anything from hate speech to pornography.

FBI Norfolk has warned that they’ve received numerous reports about this. The “gate crashing” of online video conferences has become a nationwide problem. 

When it comes to information security, most organizations focus on things like firewalls and antivirus. Yet, having an unauthorized person on a company video call can also result in a security incident. Especially if you’re discussing sensitive information.

The makers of Zoom and other video conference services have worked to address this issue. They’ve increased security options and are giving users more control. But it’s important to know which settings to use to ensure your meeting isn’t hijacked by an interloper.  

Here are some tips to help you keep your online meetings secure and avoid Zoom bombing:

Video Meeting Security Settings to Know

Things have changed since the increased reliance on video meetings due to COVID-19. Before that, meeting apps generally focused on ease of use and how fast meetings began. 

This meant apps often defaulted to less secure settings. For example, having no password automatically puts everyone into the meeting room.

Security has become a key focus with the new scrutiny on these cloud services due to Zoom-bombing.

Here are several important ways to ensure online meetings in Zoom, Skype, and other platforms are secure and protected from uninvited guests.

Use a Meeting Password

One of the most basic safeguards is to need a password for your meeting attendees to join. Zoom used to default to no password. But, when you try to start a meeting now, using a meeting password is the default.

If a troublemaker guesses your public meeting ID but doesn’t know the password, they will not be able to get in.

Don’t Use a Personal Meeting ID (That Stays the Same)

Another feature many online meeting platforms use to make recurring meetings easier is a personal ID that says the same. This can keep you from having to resend the meeting information every time. But it also makes it easier for Zoom bombers.

You want to generate a new ID for each meeting instead of using your personal meeting ID. This makes it more difficult for someone to get back in if they’ve broken into your meeting.

Treat Your Meeting Details as Confidential

Don’t post your meeting information in a public area, like LinkedIn or Facebook. Someone looking to disrupt video conferences could easily find and exploit it.

Treat your online meeting details like you do any other sensitive information. Send them directly to the meeting attendees rather than posting them publicly.

Keep People in the Waiting Room

Use Zoom’s waiting room feature to prevent uninvited attendees from joining your meeting. This will allow you to manually admit attendees into the meeting, giving you greater control over who can join.

You should only allow the host directly into the meeting and have all other users sent to the waiting room. This allows you to approve who can join the meeting and keep anyone in the waiting room you don’t recognize.

Lock your Meeting Once it Begins

Once all expected attendees have joined the meeting, use the “Lock Meeting” feature to prevent additional attendees from joining. This keeps anyone from joining your meeting, even if they have the password.

Limit User Functions (Screen Sharing, Annotating, etc.)

Some incidents of Zoom bombing include the interloper taking over the screen-sharing function. This is often used to show inappropriate content.

Ensure to set default meetings to restrict user activities.  This includes screen sharing or annotating (also called “doodling”). This blocks the action unless you expressively permit them during the meeting.

Make Sure You Update Your Application Regularly

Make sure you have the most updated version of Zoom, Skype, GoToMeeting, or any other app you use. Most of these software developers are pushing out important security measures in the wake of Zoom-bombing.

You need to update regularly to ensure your system has new security features. This also protects against any found vulnerabilities by applying update patches.

Can Windows 12 provide enhanced security features for online meetings to prevent “Zoom-Bombing”?

Windows 12 update details reveal enhanced security features aimed at preventing Zoom-Bombing during online meetings. With an emphasis on user privacy and protection, the update includes robust encryption protocols and advanced authentication measures. These measures ensure that only authorized participants can access and engage in the virtual gatherings, ensuring a safer and more secure online meeting experience.

Why is Using Pirated Software a Security Risk for Online Meetings?

Using pirated software risks and alternatives for online meetings can pose a significant security threat. Pirated software is often modified, making it vulnerable to malware and cyber attacks. These risks can compromise the confidentiality and integrity of sensitive meeting data, including discussions, files, and even login credentials. To mitigate this, it is essential to rely on legitimate software alternatives that provide continuous security updates and reliable support, ensuring a safer virtual meeting environment.

Get a Holistic Information Security Solution

From firewalls to SSL to compliance, our ZZ Servers experts can help you with all your cybersecurity needs. Don’t leave your data unprotected!

Contact us today to schedule a free security consultation. Call 800-796-3574 or reach out online.

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