InterWorx Hosting Control Panel 4.1.0 Upgrade

The dedicated team at InterWorx has released Hosting Control Panel 4.1.0.

This is the first release of the 4.x series that will be automatically applied to all current InterWorx servers, versions 3 and higher. All InterWorx servers that have auto-updates enabled can and should receive this update.

This will be an incremental release for servers already running version 4.0.0. For servers running version 3.0, this upgrade will be significant. From version 3 to 4, virtually every aspect of the software has been improved, inside and out.

Special notes for the version 3 to version 4 upgrade

Given the magnitude of this upgrade from version 3 to version 4, there are a few things you should be on the lookout for:

1) Problems accessing InterWorx immediately following the upgrade
IF you or your customers experience any problem logging in or accessing interworx after the upgrade, the first thing to try to fix it is to login as root, and restart interworx with the command


service iworx restart
service httpd restart

If problems persist after that, please open a support ticket.

2) Problems accessing webmail immediately following the upgrade
IF there are any problems accessing webmail, try the following things first:


service iworx restart
service httpd restart
~iworx/cron/iworx.pex --fively

If problems persist after that, please open a support ticket.

3) Problems running PHP scripts on client websites
We do not expect there to be significant problems with PHP scripts, but interworx version 4 does provide suphp as an optional server-wide option. In order to provide this feature, the upgrade script will have to make modifications to the clients’ apache virtualhost config files. If these files have been heavily customized, manual intervention may be required.

If needed, backups of the original virtualhost config files will be in /etc/httpd/conf.d/conf_backup/ after the upgrade.

If there are any website problems, first just try restarting the webserver and see if that helps.

As always, any other problems with or questions about this update can be sent via e-mail to [email protected], or by opening a support ticket via the web at

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