Suffering from Weak Signals & Dead Zones? Why You Need a Mesh Wi-Fi System

No matter how fast your computers are or how optimized your workflows, a slow Wi-Fi can drag you down.

When employees don’t have reliable internet, it impacts just about everything they do. It leads to slow performance in cloud applications and downloads that take forever.

Are you still relying on the old “single router” system for your wireless network? If so, there’s a good chance, you may be dealing with:

  • Weak signal areas
  • Traffic slowdowns
  • Dead zones with no usable connection
  • Problems with overcrowding

Weak signal areas cause staff issues. Someone gets the “good desk” and someone ends up having to move around as they work to speed up their connection. 

Dead zones, areas in your building or on your property where Wi-Fi doesn’t reach, limit you. You can’t put workstations where you’d like to. Not having Wi-Fi in an outside patio or courtyard can limit your customer experience.

Another big problem is signal overload that causes traffic slowdowns. Connection speeds can slow to a crawl when adding too many IoT devices. This can also happen when an employee is using a lot of bandwidth.  

Approximately 127 new devices connect to the internet every second.

What’s the best way to solve wireless network problems that are slowing you down?

An upgrade from a single-router system to a multi-access point mesh Wi-Fi.

What are the Benefits of a Mesh Wireless Network?

Is your Southeastern Virginia business is being slowed down by wireless network problems? Upgrading to a mesh system can mean a big improvement.

Instead of only one internet access point, mesh Wi-Fi networks have many. You can strategically place its nodes (or access points) throughout your property.

You connect one of the mesh nodes to your ISP modem. The others can all communicate with each other and the modem-connected node. Your signal isn’t only extended, it’s amplified throughout the mesh system.

Here’s how an upgrade to a mesh Wi-Fi system can improve your Wi-Fi speed, coverage, and performance.

Eliminate Weak & Dead Zones

Mesh gets its name from the blanket or web of signal that it generates throughout your property.

Signals can reach farther because nodes communicate with each other. This gives you several signal streams, not just one. Any areas that were outside your router’s reach, receive a strong signal by adding a node nearby.

Mesh wireless systems end problems with solid walls and other barriers. These can block a single router’s signal, but not a mesh network.

Easily Get Coverage Where You Need It

You have near unlimited expansion capabilities with a mesh network. You can place the nodes either inside or outside. Each one will increase your signal range without sacrificing performance.

Nodes are easy to move where you need them and fast to install. This gives you scalability when you add on a warehouse or other area.

Everyone Gets a Strong Signal

Employees can connect to the node that’s closest to them. This is better than everyone only having a single Wi-Fi point to use. This improves speed and signal strength for everyone. Even if someone’s desk is far from the main modem.

Solves Overcrowding Problems

When you have too many devices attached to the same router, speeds can quickly drop for all users. This causes productivity problems in many offices.

A mesh Wi-Fi system solves problems with overcrowding. Employees can attach to any of the nodes for a strong signal. 

The system also has automated performance handling features built in. If one node is getting crowded, the system transfers users to a node that’s less busy.   

Centralized Security & Management

Mesh Wi-Fi networks have security features that ensure your connections are safe. Whether your team is connecting from inside or outside, you can feel secure. Your Wi-Fi won’t leave you vulnerable to a breach.

Mesh systems are also centrally managed. This reduces the time it takes to handle wireless systems serving multiple buildings.

Managed Mesh Wi-Fi Services

When your Wi-Fi goes out, does everyone come out of their offices looking at each other? Not having the support that you need can mean hours of unnecessary downtime.

ZZ Servers offers a turnkey solution to help businesses enjoy a well-managed wireless network.

Free your team from unneeded router and Wi-Fi problems and ensure firmware is always kept up to date.

Our managed Wi-Fi services include:

  • Network Design
  • RF Survey
  • Specialized Configuration
  • Custom Installation
  • Remote Monitoring
  • Phone & Onsite Support

What Are Some Fun Technological Advancements That Can Improve Wi-Fi Signals?

Looking for fun facts about technology gadgets web? Well, here’s an interesting one: did you know there are numerous technological advancements that can improve Wi-Fi signals and make your internet experience better? From Wi-Fi extenders and signal boosters to mesh networks and beamforming technology, these fun innovations ensure a seamless and reliable connection throughout your home or office.

Upgrade to Mesh Wi-Fi and Improve Your Office Productivity

ZZ Servers can answer all your mesh Wi-Fi questions. We’ll help you with a custom installation optimized for your business needs.

Contact us today to schedule a free consultation. Call 800-796-3574 or reach out online.

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