Ten Fun Facts about Technology, Gadgets and the Web

The world is a wonderful
place and is made even better by the technology, gadgetry and modern marvels
that surround us.

To celebrate all this fascinating technology, we have put
together some interesting facts about tech, gadgets and the history of the web
that you might not know. You might be surprised and amused by what we’ve found.

  1. The 30th of November is known as “Computer Security Day”.
  2. Email has been around longer than the World Wide Web.
  3. HP, Google, Microsoft and Apple have just one thing in common, other than the fact that they are IT companies. They were all started in garages.
  4. Bill Gates’ house was designed using a Mac computer.
  5. There are approximately 6000 new viruses released every month.
  6. The original name of Windows was Interface Manager.
  7. 51% of internet traffic is “non-human”. 31% is made up from hacking programs, spammers and malicious phishing.
  8. The first computer was almost 2.5 meters high and weighed nearly 30,000 kg.
  9. The name Google was created accidentally. A spelling error was made by the original founders who were under the impression they were going for Googol.
  10. The average computer user blinks 7 times a minute, less than half the normal rate of 20.

Until next time, have an awesome week,


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