What Is Web Development: how a good web developer Can help your business grow in 2023

What is Web Development?

Web development is important to digital marketing and maintaining your online presence or websites on the world wide web – think of crafting a digital store or office. Just like you’d carefully design a physical space to attract and serve your customers, web development ensures your online space is equally appealing and functional.

In technical terms, web development is broken down into:

  1. Front-end Development: This is what your customers see and interact with. It includes the design, layout, and user-friendly aspects of your site. You can think of it like your physical store’s interior design and arrangement.
  2. Back-end Development: Think of it as the backbone of your web site. It’s similar to the engine in your car or the plumbing and wiring in your brick-and-mortar store. It’s what makes your site tick. This includes the databases, servers, and applications that fuel the features of your site.
  3. A Content Management System (CMS) acts like a simple control panel for your website. It allows you to handle, adjust, and add content without grappling with code. Web development is essential for any business owner because of it:
  • Represents your brand to a global audience.
  • Facilitates sales and interactions with customers.
  • Enhances credibility and professionalism.

Simply having a website isn’t enough these days, it needs to be well-designed, effective, user-friendly, and built for marketing your work, goods, and services. It should align with your business goals and offer a seamless customer experience.

Components of Web Development

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Web development isn’t just about writing code. It’s a blend of different tools, software, media, and experience that come together to build appealing and functional websites. From HTML and Javascript your SEO Budget. Now, let’s simplify this and break it down:

  1. Planning and Structuring a Website: Before you start writing any code, laying the groundwork is required. This means putting the work in and creating a Site Map, which gives a clear picture of your site’s content and structure. You’ll also need to create Wireframes, which are simple sketches of how your website’s layout will look.
  2. Front-end Development: Often termed “client-side” development, this focuses on what your customers see and interact with.
    • HTML: Structures the webpage.
    • CSS: Adds style and layout. (do you have time to learn CSS?)
    • JavaScript: Makes your website interactive.
    • Responsive Design: Ensures your design looks good and functions well on all devices, be it mobile or desktop.
    • Frameworks & Libraries: Tools that simplify and expedite the coding process.
  3. Back-end Development: Known as “server-side” development, this is the engine behind the scenes.
    • Server Management: Keeps your website up and running.
    • Databases: Store and manage your website’s data.
    • Programming Languages: Drive the functionality.
    • APIs: Allow your website to communicate with other services and tools.
    • Content Management System (CMS): Software like WordPress that help in easy content creation and modification without deep coding knowledge.
  4. Testing and Quality Assurance: It’s crucial to ensure everything runs smoothly. This includes:
    • Functionality, Usability, Performance, and Security Testing to make sure your website is top-notch and safe.
  5. Deployment and Maintenance: Once your site is ready, it’s time to go live and ensure it stays that way. This includes selecting a Web Hosting provider, managing your Domain, securing your website with SSL Certification, and performing regular updates and backups.
  6. SEO: An important part of your digital marketing efforts. It helps your website rank on search engines and be found by your target audience.
  7. User Experience (UX) and User Interface (UI) Design: Ensuring the website is functional and visually pleasing, providing a seamless experience for every element.

It’s crucial for you as a business owner to grasp these aspects. You don’t have to be a master in all areas or need to take a bunch of courses, but a basic understanding can be beneficial. It can assist you in making well-informed decisions for your website and working effectively with web developers.

Overview of the Web Development Process

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Creating a site isn’t just about making it work. It’s about making a connection with your customers. To create websites, each step is as important as building a house. From laying the foundation to adding the final touches, each step counts, every page matters. It’s not enough to just have a functioning website, it needs to truly resonate with and engage your customers.

And sure, let’s simplify this for a business owner:

Here’s What You Need to Know to Build your websites:

  1. Understanding and Strategy: Let’s start by understanding your aim. We’ll gather the information we need, see what your competitors are doing, and sketch out a plan to get us started on the right track.
  2. Design: Let’s make your brand shine online. We’ll start with creating designs that are not just visually appealing but also user-friendly. Keep in mind often, the first impression your customers get starts right here.
  3. Development: This is where the magic happens. The front end makes sure your customers enjoy their visit, while the back end handles things they don’t see. It’s like the backstage crew of your online store.
  4. Crafting & Merging Content: Your content is your main attraction. It needs to have engaging text and impactful visuals that captivate your audience’s interest. The focus should be on satisfying their curiosity and showcasing what sets your brand apart.
  5. Testing: Before you launch your website, give it a good once-over. Check that it looks fantastic on different devices and that it loads fast. Make sure everything’s ready to roll.
  6. Launch: Ready to share your business with the world? It’s time to unveil your new website.
  7. Post-Launch Activities: Your work isn’t over once you’ve launched your site. You need to regularly update it, check its performance, and optimize it for search engines to keep it running at top speed.
  8. Feedback and Iteration: To keep up in the ever-changing online world, listen to your customers and make changes based on their feedback. It’s their input that helps you keep your website fresh and competitive.

Your Online Story

Building your company’s website is similar to crafting a captivating narrative. Every stage, from the initial concept to regular content updates, has significance. The aim is to keep your readers – or more specifically, your valued customers – interested and content.

The Work of Web Development

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Starting a web development journey for your business might seem like entering a maze, but don’t stress. You’ve got the right tools and knowledge, and you’ll get through it just fine.

Essential Skills To Develop Your Website

  1. Web Development Basics: Being a web developer means getting a handle on the three fundamental elements of web development – Understanding HTML, CSS, and JavaScript – is a terrific place to start when creating your website. You’ll start with HTML to lay the groundwork for your site, then introduce CSS to make it look good, and finally, you’ll bring in JavaScript to inject interactivity for your visitors. Sure, there’s a bit of a learning curve from beginner to expert, but with a little persistence, you can create a website that truly showcases your business.
  2. Keep Practicing: Like any skill, you’ll improve as you work at it. Spend time on your website, and you’ll start to see it grow. You’re not alone in this journey, there’s a whole community of business owners and web developers who are always ready to share some great advice and tips.

Web Site Development Resources

Equip yourself with the right tools for your job. Understanding the capabilities and limitations of code editors and version control systems can simplify and enhance your workflow. As your business expands, you’ll find these tools speed up your work and open up new avenues to showcase your business.

Here’s a handy list of web design tools tailored to your needs:

Tools to Streamline Your Web Design Process

Equip your business with the right tools, media, and software that fit your budget and technical skills. Here’s a simple breakdown by category:

  1. Website Builders:
    • Commercial Product: Squarespace
      • Known for elegant templates suitable for businesses.
    • Affordable Product: Wix
      • User-friendly with drag-and-drop features.
    • Open Source Alternative: Grav
      • A modern open-source flat-file CMS.
  2. Code Editors:
    • Commercial Product: Sublime Text
      • Sophisticated text editor with a user-friendly interface.
    • Affordable Product: Visual Studio Code
      • Free, feature-rich, and open-source code editor with great community support.
    • Open Source Alternative: Atom
      • A hackable text editor for the 21st Century.
  3. Version Control Systems:
    • Commercial Product: Bitbucket
      • Offers Git code management and deployments.
    • Affordable Product: GitHub
      • Hosts your code and integrates with Git; free for public repositories.
    • Open Source Alternative: GitLab Community Edition
      • Offers a self-hosted Git platform.
  4. Design & Prototyping Tools:
    • Commercial Product: Adobe XD
      • Design and prototype user experiences.
    • Affordable Product: Figma
      • A cloud-based design tool with a free tier and real-time collaboration.
    • Open Source Alternative: Pencil Project
      • An open-source GUI prototyping tool.
  5. Content Management Systems (CMS):
    • Commercial Product: HubSpot CMS
      • A feature-rich platform that integrates with other HubSpot tools.
    • Affordable Product: WordPress
      • Highly customizable and user-friendly.
    • Open Source Alternative: Joomla!
      • Offers flexibility and user-friendliness.
  6. Graphics & Image Editors:
    • Commercial Product: Adobe Photoshop
      • The industry standard for professional image editing.
    • Affordable Product: Canva
      • Online tool for creating custom graphics with a free tier.
    • Open Source Alternative: GIMP
      • A robust image manipulation program.

Each tool is designed for different needs and budgets. Check out these options and pick the ones that match your goals. This will help you create a top-notch website for your business.

The Cost of DIY Web Development

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However, we’ve seen a rise in Do-It-Yourself web development platforms recently. While these can be useful, it’s also worth noting some of the potential problems you might face. After all, web tech can be pretty complex.

The Real Price of DIY Website Development

Web technology is always evolving, and it’s crucial to grasp the distinctions between development and website design, as they require diverse abilities and techniques.

Web design is primarily about the look and the user’s experience. Web development, on the other hand, is about making the site function.

DIY web development platforms are gaining popularity. However, considering the technical aspects of web technologies, it’s worth examining the potential disadvantages of this self-service approach.

Why You Might Want to Reconsider Everything you Know about DIY Web Development

Building your own digital platform might seem like a good idea, but chances are it will turn out differently than expected. The perfect blend of design and functionality is needed for the best user experience. This isn’t just about throwing together some front end code, Javascript, and a content management system.

Web design is a craft that requires a seamless blend of ingredients to create a user-friendly and appealing website. This job is best left to seasoned developers who understand these systems and how they can work together to provide a seamless, engaging user experience.

Going the DIY way may seem attractive, but studies and experience have shown that it often leads to platforms that could be improved for users. In our current time, creating a community feel through digital platforms is essential, and falling short of this goal can be a significant setback.

DIY Web Development vs. Outsourcing to Web Development Teams

DIY Web Development:


  1. Cost-Effective: Potentially lower costs since you aren’t paying for professional services.
  2. Full Control: Complete control over every aspect of the website, allowing for immediate changes and updates.
  3. Learning Opportunity: You’ll gain experience and knowledge in web development.
  4. No Reliance on External Teams: No need to communicate with third parties; all decisions are in-house.


  1. Time-Consuming: Without prior experience, DIY web development can take a significant amount of time.
  2. Subpar Quality: Without expertise, there’s a risk of creating a less professional-looking or functional site.
  3. Limited Features: Might need help to implement advanced features or security measures.
  4. Maintenance Challenges: As web technologies evolve, there might be challenges in updating and maintaining the site.
  5. Potential for Errors: With a trained eye, you might avoid critical issues that could affect functionality or user experience.

Outsourcing Development:


  1. Professional Quality: Access to experts ensures a polished and high-functioning website.
  2. Speed: Professionals can usually deliver a finished product faster.
  3. Advanced Features: An experienced web developer professional can integrate sophisticated features and security measures.
  4. Ongoing Support: Many web development firms offer maintenance and support packages.
  5. Focused Expertise: They often have a deeper understanding of best practices, SEO, and user experience.


  1. Costly: Outsourcing can be more expensive than DIY, especially for high-quality services.
  2. Potential Communication Barriers: Conveying exact requirements or changes to an external team might be challenging.
  3. Dependence: Relying on a third party for updates and changes might lead to delays.
  4. Less Personal Touch: While professionals will cater to your needs, they might not capture the exact “feel” you envision for your website.
  5. Hidden Costs: Additional costs for changes, updates, or functionalities might not be included in the initial agreement.

There are pros and cons to both DIY and hiring someone to do the job. You’ve got to think about what your business needs, how much money you’ve got to spend, and what you want for the future. Your website really matters because it’s like a billboard for your brand. So, it’s important to make sure it’s up to scratch for both you and the people you’re trying to reach.

The Value of A Professional Web Developer

Web development done by experts brings a whole heap of advantages. It enhances your website’s functionality, gives your users an easier ride, and amps up your odds of hitting your business targets. Basically, it’s about creating and maintaining websites and web apps for the Internet.

Many people don’t quite grasp the value of expert web development. But, it’s a game changer in defining your online presence. The internet can seem like a labyrinth, packed with surprising twists and turns. But, with expert web developers at your side, you can navigate these obstacles with ease. They bring your ideas to life, creating a website that customers love.

Providing leadership to your team is your primary job. Hire a professional web developer and stop wasting time. Web developers have the training and experience to answer your questions and ensure your web page is built to meet your marketing and client needs.

Take the Next Steps, Reduce your Workload, and Hire a Web Developer

If you run a small business, you might be considering digital strategies to enhance your visibility and jumpstart your growth. Creating high-quality content and implementing robust digital marketing systems can boost your website’s performance, making it a delight for your users.

Knowing your audience is key. Understanding their needs can help you create a memorable digital experience. Your findings should narrate a story that resonates with your audience. A user-friendly, inviting, and fully accessible website can foster a sense of belonging among your customers. This boosts engagement and aids your business in expanding and acquiring more clients.

Web development can seem complex, whether it’s front-end or back-end development, or even the basics like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. But remember, a professional and efficient website is vital for your business’s online presence, growth, and client base.

At ZZ Servers, we understand the complexities and challenges involved in creating and maintaining a top-notch website. Our team of experts, with over 17 years of experience in the IT industry, is equipped to handle all aspects of your IT needs, from Endpoint Security to Incident Response Planning, and from Business Security to Datacenter Services.

Are you struggling with the time-consuming tasks of patching, monitoring, and managing your IT infrastructure? Maybe you’re finding the task of creating a user-friendly, attractive, and functional website overwhelming. ZZ Servers is here to help. With our comprehensive IT management and cybersecurity services, we aim to take the burden off your internal resources so you can focus on your core business operations.

Remember, a well-designed, user-friendly website can boost your online visibility, improve your customer engagement, and foster a strong sense of community among your customers. So why not let us handle the technicalities while you focus on creating captivating content and a compelling digital experience for your customers?

Don’t let the challenges of web development hold back your business growth. Contact us at ZZ Servers today and learn how our professional IT management and cybersecurity services can take your business to the next level. Trust us to protect your business from cyber threats, enhance your customer trust, and safeguard your business reputation.

Your success is our passion. Let’s make it happen together. Contact us now!

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