When can you finally forget your password?

As a business owner, there seems like an endless list of things that need to be managed. From meeting deadlines and overseeing operations to managing customer relationships and employee engagement, the job often requires a herculean effort. One of those necessary items is undoubtedly the use of passwords. Seemingly never-ending strings of numbers, letters, or random characters that we must commit to memory to do our day-to-day jobs. But how long must you really “trust your memory” when tracking all these vital credentials? The answer might surprise you: You may not necessarily remember any more than ever before – but taking some simple steps can give you additional peace of mind while protecting your data with greater certainty!

Passkeys are set to take over traditional passwords to give us a safer, more secure way of logging into our online accounts.

That will be a major step forward for online security, and it’s gathering pace quickly with more big names adopting the technology. So how long will it be before we finally wave goodbye to the password?

The FIDO alliance has long supported this new tech – an organization of big tech companies, including Apple, Google, and Microsoft – hoping it could kill off passwords completely.

These megabrands are already rolling out passkeys on some of their applications. But now, some of the big names in password management software are also getting in on the act, which is likely to speed things up even further.

Passkeys work by creating and storing credentials on your phone, which only you can access. These are called private keys, which are authenticated by the biometrics you use to log in to that device – your fingerprint or your phone’s facial recognition system.

When you log into an account, the site will create a public key that requests your private key. Your matching passkey gives you access to your account, just like a password.

Password managers let you create and store complex passwords, meaning you always have a strong, unique, and unguessable password for every site.

But the adoption of passkeys by many traditional password managers is likely to accelerate the move.

We’ve spent years implementing strong passwords. Will we miss them when they’re gone? Probably not…

Any move towards stronger security is always welcome, and we don’t think it will be too long before most online accounts are using passkeys.

If you’d like any help to keep your business secure in 2023, get in touch.

How ZZ Servers Can Help

Have a question about the future of passwords or want to talk to a member of our dedicated team of cybersecurity professionals? Contact us today for a free consultation. As always, we’re here to help.

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