World Backup Day: Have you backed up your data lately?

Imagine you are sitting at your computer when suddenly it stops working…just as you stare down the final minutes before a major deadline. No amount of rebooting or pressing escape fixes it. What do you do?

Ok, not scary enough? Your laptop has just been stolen with your only copy of a presentation you spent all night working on. What do you do? Who do you call to fix it? If you don’t have a backup, all you can do is hope for the best and prepare for the worst.

Here’s the scary reality: the odds are likely at some point you may lose personal or professional files or data, whether it’s on your smart phone, tablet or computer. An estimated 113 smart phones are lost or stolen every minute, one in 10 computers are infected and 29 percent of data losses are caused by accidents. Meanwhile, 30 percent of people still do not back up their data.

Now…here’s the preventative reality. The reality that helps make those scary situations we can all relate to seem a little less nail biting.

You CAN be prepared and not become a statistic.

And you can start now. Or, if you are one of those folks who likes to prepare, you can join in on a global movement this spring and start backing up your files as part of World Backup Day on March 31.

If it sounds silly or a little doomsdayish, ask yourself this, “What would I do if I lost everything on my computer?”

Wondering now what? Read on for tips on how to plan to start backing up your data.

First, know this. Backing up personal data to an external hard drive is not always enough. Viruses such as CryptoLocker and other Ransomware Trojans can encrypt and prevent your access to local and network mounted drives.

The answer: cloud and enterprise backup solutions that can help recover lost data. For businesses, avoiding a loss of data and information is even more critical. That’s where firms, such as ZZ Servers, can help thanks to an array of solutions to protect company data as well as the personal consultation you may need to help identify what services will most benefit your company.

How often does your business backup its data? How reliable is that system? If data recovery is necessary, how quickly can you access the stored information? These are key points to consider when contemplating data storage and recovery for your company.

ZZ Servers offers a Continuous Data Protects (CDP) backup service which enables Linux and Windows computers to use high performance disaster recovery data protection and bare-metal restore system. Through this system, data is backed up more frequently and stored in a secure off-site location. That means if the worst happens to your business, an entire computer or a single file can be recovered within a matter of minutes.

It’s also important for businesses to consider the ease with which they can restore specific files or folders as well as tables or databases. If you can’t recover them easily, hours of work and analysis may be lost.

Don’t let that happen. Save your data regularly and often. Have a reliable system for your home and business computers, tablets and phones to access data if the device fails. The alternative could be catastrophic.

Still have questions. Contact us.

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