ZZ Servers co-founder Addresses Technology Association of Georgia on Apple vs. FBI Panel

Questions surrounding the intersection of cybersecurity and national security took center stage earlier this year following Apple’s refusal to help the FBI gain access to an iPhone used by one of the shooters linked to the San Bernardino massacre.

ZZ Servers co-founder David Zendzian weighed in on the increasing balancing act between data security and law enforcement investigations as part of a panel hosted by the Savannah chapter of the Technology Association of Georgia.

“As data security improves, situations where law enforcement seeks assistance to break through security measures to access data will only increase,” Zendzian said. “But as information technology experts, we have to ask ourselves where our obligations lie – protecting our customers’ privacy or overriding the very technology we’ve created to help the government under the auspices of national safety.”

The panel was held as part of TAG Savannah’s Membership Mixer from 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. on April 26 at DIRTT Environment Solutions on 155 Knowlton Way in Savannah. For more information, go to http://www.tagonline.org/chapters-and-societies/savannah.

To see the full news report on this event and Zendzian’s take on the Apple vs. FBI Panel, watch this news clip here .

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