ZZ Servers Managing Partner David Zendzian volunteering at BSides Las Vegas while attending DEF CON

Chesapeake, VA — One thing that remains true about the cybersecurity industry is that it changes as new threats emerge and technologies to combat hackers constantly evolve. This month, as part of an ongoing dedication to continuing education and collaboration amongst the world’s top engineers, ZZ Servers Managing Partner David Zendzian is attending back-to-back internationally renowned information security and hacker events in Las Vegas – DEF CON 24 and Security BSides.

Security BSides Las Vegas runs from July 30 to Aug. 4 and DEF CON 24 takes place Aug. 4-7.

**Zendzian is available for media interviews before the conferences, during the events for live reporting and analysis of how the conference information benefits businesses and after the events. Contact Stephanie Heinatz at 757.713.2199 to schedule.**

BSides, Zendzian said, is in its 8th iteration, organized by volunteers and free to the public. The agenda includes sessions on, among other topics, the state of healthcare cyber safety, automotive cybersecurity, an adversarial view of malware, evaluating password managers, the physical security needs in cybersecurity and cross platform compatibility.

DEF CON draws 30,000 to 40,000 attendees a year, most of whom are engineers and professionals interested in the security side of the cyber industry.

Started in 1992, DEF CON is the world’s longest running and largest underground hacking conference. It draws hackers and corporate Information Technology professionals. This year’s event has already been highly touted by media outlets and will feature keynote speakers from across the industry and demo labs where hackers can showcase their current projects.

An anticipated highlight of this year’s DEF CON conference also includes a $2 million “Capture the Flag” challenge from Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), the agency known for having invented the internet. This year, DARPA has challenged the global innovation community to build a computer that can hack and patch unknown software with no one at the keyboard. The seven entrants will reverse engineer unknown binary software, authoring new IDS signatures, probing the security of opponent software and re-mixing defended services with machine-generated patches and defenses, according to DEF CON.

“They are not just going to be attacking and blocking, but capturing the output of attacks, analyzing, live-patching and more,” Zendzian said. “It’s going to be very interesting.”

About ZZ Servers:

With more than 25 years in the security and systems industry, brothers Peter and David Zendzian founded ZZ Servers in 2006 to leverage the latest technologies and bring enterprise class hosting and compliance solutions to all levels of business. ZZ Servers helps companies of all sizes do IT securely – from desktop to data center – by designing, building, managing and maintaining secure information technology environments for organizations that handle credit cards, healthcare records, and financial or business critical information. For more information about ZZ Servers visit www.zzservers.com. Interviews with ZZ Servers Managing Partner David Zendzian are available upon request.

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