What Is A Secure Email Gateway (Seg)?

A red button with the words email security and IT Support.

Cybercriminals are constantly trying to breach email security systems to steal sensitive information, spread malware, and launch phishing attacks. This is where Secure Email Gateway (SEG) solutions come into play.

A Secure Email Gateway is a security solution designed to protect internal email servers by analyzing and inspecting every incoming and outgoing email. It acts as a filter that blocks malicious emails, spam, and other types of threats before they reach the user’s inbox.

SEG solutions use advanced technologies such as machine learning, artificial intelligence, and behavioral analysis to detect and block threats. In this article, we will explore what a Secure Email Gateway is, how it works, its limitations, and available alternatives. We will also discuss best practices for email security and SEG maintenance to help you make informed decisions about selecting the right solution for your needs.

TL;DR: A Secure Email Gateway (SEG) is a critical security solution designed to protect internal email servers by analyzing and inspecting every incoming and outgoing email. It helps to detect and block malicious emails, spam, phishing attacks, and other cyber threats before they reach the user’s inbox. Organizations can reduce the risk of email-related security breaches and protect their sensitive data by implementing an SEG solution and following best email security and maintenance practices. However, selecting the right SEG for your organization’s specific needs is essential, and considering alternative solutions such as Content Disarm and Reconstruction (CDR) to ensure comprehensive protection against email threats.

The Importance of Email Security

The safeguarding of electronic communication has become increasingly critical in today’s digital landscape, as the vulnerability of this mode of communication to social engineering attacks and the resulting data breaches has become a significant concern for organizations of all sizes and across all industries.

Email security statistics show that 22% of breaches involve social engineering, with 96% of those breaches coming through email. As such, the need for secure email gateway (SEG) solutions that can protect internal email servers from malicious emails has become more apparent.

SEGs are designed to analyze and inspect every incoming or outgoing email to detect and stop unwanted and malicious emails before they cause damage to the organization. They protect against phishing attacks, Business Email Compromise (BEC), Denial of Service (DoS), spam, fraudulent content, ransomware, trojan and other forms of malware.

SEGs use threat intelligence feeds to decide which emails are malicious, and key features include spam filtering, virus and malware blocking, phishing and social engineering protection, email archiving, and admin controls and reporting. While SEGs have limitations, including their inability to defend against BEC attacks and internal email threats, and their vulnerability to evasion techniques used by hackers, they remain a critical component of email security.

Features of an SEG Solution

One of the key features of an email security solution is its ability to analyze and inspect all incoming and outgoing messages, detecting and preventing a range of unwanted and malicious content, including phishing attacks, spam, fraudulent content, and various forms of malware.

To achieve this, a secure email gateway (SEG) is deployed to protect internal email servers, analyzing and inspecting every email that enters or leaves the organization. The SEG uses threat intelligence feeds to identify and block malicious emails, providing robust protection against email threats.

Apart from detecting and blocking unwanted and malicious content, an email security gateway also provides other essential features that ensure the organization’s email communications security. These features include spam filtering, virus and malware blocking, phishing and social engineering protection, email archiving, and admin controls and reporting.

These features work together to provide reliable protection against email threats, ensuring that the organization’s email communications are secure and free from unwanted and malicious content.

Overall, a secure email gateway is a critical component of any email security solution, providing comprehensive protection against a range of email-borne threats.

Benefits of Implementing an Email Security Solution

Implementing an email security solution that analyzes and inspects all incoming and outgoing messages, detecting and preventing a range of unwanted and malicious content, can provide robust protection against email threats and ensure the security of an organization’s email communications.

A secure email gateway (SEG) is a popular security solution that offers several benefits to organizations of all sizes. SEG provides protection against email threats such as phishing attacks, Business Email Compromise (BEC), Denial of Service (DoS), spam, fraudulent content, ransomware, trojan, and other forms of malware.

It also uses threat intelligence feeds to decide which emails are malicious, and key features include spam filtering, virus and malware blocking, phishing and social engineering protection, email archiving, and admin controls and reporting.

With the rise of cloud-based email filtering services, organizations can now deploy SEG as a cloud-based service, which is more cost-effective and efficient.

SEG provides additional benefits, including the protection of sensitive email content, reducing the risk of data breaches, and other forms of cybersecurity threats. Moreover, SEG offers system admins the ability to tailor email gateway protection filters and rules to meet the organization’s requirements.

However, it is important to note that SEG has limitations, such as its inability to defend against BEC attacks and internal email threats. Therefore, organizations should consider alternative solutions, such as Network Sandbox and Content Disarm and Reconstruction (CDR), or Votiro Cloud, which offers advanced email security solutions that protect against cyber threats.

Selecting the Right SEG for Your Needs

Choosing an appropriate email security solution requires careful consideration of an organization’s specific needs and vulnerabilities, with factors such as deployment options, threat detection capabilities, and maintenance requirements all playing a crucial role in selecting the solution that provides the most robust protection against email-based cyber threats.

To select the right Secure Email Gateway (SEG) for an organization, it is essential to identify the organization’s email security requirements and understand the limitations of SEG. The following nested bullet point list provides some factors that should be considered when selecting an SEG:

  • Deployment options:
  • On-premise or cloud-based deployment.
  • Hybrid deployment that combines both options.
  • Threat detection capabilities:
  • Ability to detect and block phishing emails, BEC attacks, malware, and ransomware.
  • Ability to prevent data loss and protect against internal email threats.
  • Ability to defend against signature-less threats.
  • Maintenance requirements:
  • Ease of maintenance, including software updates and upgrades.
  • Availability of technical support and expertise.
  • Time and resources required for maintenance.

By taking into account the organization’s specific needs and vulnerabilities, an organization can select an SEG that provides the best protection against email threats. It is also important to note that SEGs are becoming less relevant as organizations transition to cloud-based email, and other alternatives such as Network Sandbox and Content Disarm and Reconstruction (CDR) are gaining popularity. Therefore, it is crucial to evaluate all available options before selecting an email security solution.

Best Practices for Email Security and SEG Maintenance

Maintaining an effective email security system is crucial in today’s digital landscape. As email threats continue to evolve and become more sophisticated, organizations must implement best practices to keep their systems secure. Regular updates and patches should be applied to the email security software to ensure it remains effective against new threats.

Employee training is also essential, as social engineering attacks often target individuals within organizations. Organizations can reduce the likelihood of successful attacks by educating employees about email security best practices. Furthermore, utilizing threat intelligence feeds can help identify and stop potential threats before they cause damage.

Maintaining a secure email gateway (SEG) is also critical for effective email security. Organizations should ensure that their SEG is up-to-date and properly configured to minimize the risk of successful attacks. Regular maintenance of the SEG is necessary to ensure that it continues to function properly.

System administrators should also tailor the gateway’s protection filters and rules to meet the organization’s requirements. Additionally, organizations should consider implementing an alternative to SEG, such as a Content Disarm and Reconstruction (CDR) solution like Votiro Cloud, which has a 0% false-positive rate and can protect against complex file formats that other solutions may miss.

By following these best practices, organizations can reduce their risk of email-related security breaches and protect their sensitive data.


A Secure Email Gateway (SEG) is a vital security solution that protects email servers from cyber threats. It offers several features such as email filtering, anti-phishing, anti-spamming, and data loss prevention. The benefits of implementing an SEG solution include safeguarding confidential information, enhancing email security, and reducing email-related risks. However, selecting the right SEG for your business needs is crucial, as each solution has its limitations and advantages.

According to a recent study, it is estimated that about 90% of cyberattacks start with an email. This statistic highlights the importance of a robust email security system.

An SEG solution can mitigate the risk of cyber threats and protect your business’s sensitive information. Following best practices for email security and maintaining your SEG solution regularly is essential to ensure it is up-to-date with the latest security patches.

By implementing an SEG solution and following best practices, businesses can safeguard their email communication and prevent cyber threats from causing any damage.

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